First, I want to thank you for taking the time to do this interview. Time is an extremely valuable asset and I greatly appreciate you spending some of it with us to share your story with our listeners.
Second, apologies for the length of the post, but want to make sure you have all the information you need for a great interview.
Third, please submit the information on the form below including how you would like to be introduced AND a hi-resolution headshot:
Here is an example of a recent intro. In the form below, just enter the version of the bold copy below for yourself.
“Welcome loyal listeners to another episode of The Loyalty Minute, I’m your host Rob Gallo and today I am eager to chat with our special guest Ken “Mr. Biz” Wentworth. Ken is the President of On-Demand CFO at Wentworth Financial Partners, and a Cash Flow Pro, Author, Speaker and host of the Mr Biz Radio Podcast.”
You can get fun, creative and memorable…
[hubspot type=form portal=7158299 id=bdb29e70-c0e5-4d26-ae62-980b3c6eb388]
Before we actually hit record we can address any questions you may have. I’ve included some bullet points to guide the conversation but we really want this to be as conversational as possible.
From there, we’ll take a 3 second pause, I’ll hit record and launch into the intro to the show. We really want this to be conversational, fun and informative so don’t worry about being ‘perfect’ – there really is no such thing.
(Prerecorded Intro with background music: You’re listening to The Loyalty Minute, the show that helps you build better customer loyalty and more valuable user engagement, with your host Rob Gallo. Music continues for 3 seconds…)
0:11 Live: Welcome loyal listeners to another episode of The Loyalty Minute, I’m your host Rob Gallo and today I am eager to talk with our special guest (name) the (title) from (company name).
(Elaborate on his /her experience and some light hearted footnote or aside about the person).
Welcome to the show (name), thanks for joining me.
[guest speaking]
For those loyal listeners out there who don’t know who you are or what you do, perhaps you can share a bit of your story and background.
[guest speaking]
(Elaborate on some of the key points for additional flavor in the conversation… If possible, tie it to a loyalty story or anecdote)
Do you like Games Shows?
How about Jeopardy?
As a more entertaining and engaging format for the show, we are going to ask each other questions, and whenever possible, they have to be answered in the form or a Story.
[it’s been proven that stories are more memorable than generic facts and figures, so in order for our listeners to get the very most value out of listening, let’s see if we can tell interesting and relevant stories.]
So the very first question is what does customer loyalty mean to you?
(If the answer is too short, “Can you elaborate on…” OR “Can you think of a story for our listeners that will put the concept into tangible context?)
As a consumer, can you think of a brand or company you are loyal to, and why? Tell a story.
[guest speaking]
As a marketing professional in your field, can you share with us the pain points you have when it comes to creating and maintaining customer loyalty? Tell a story.
[guest speaking]
Can you think of a story of a success (or a failure) in a customer loyalty enhancement strategy that our listeners would find helpful?
[guest speaking]
What about from an internal standpoint? Do you, or have you worked with the type of organization that is forward thinking, or is innovation a curse word at the company?
[guest speaking]
In an ideal world, what would your customer loyalty and engagement strategies look like? Tell a futuristic story of a better customer journey.
[guest speaking]
What is your ideal situation or hopes in achieving great customer loyalty.? Meaning what sort of things in a perfect world would your customer loyalty program be doing beyond what it’s doing today?
[guest speaking]
What sort of actionable advice could you share with our listeners that they can implement today to help them attract and retain more customers?
[guest speaking]
Closing Question:
If listeners wanted to get ahold of you for more information, what’s the best way to do that?
I want to thank you for taking the time to share your customer loyalty insights.
[guest speaking says thank you]
Host closing comments…
I want to thank you for being a loyal listener and for investing some of your valuable time with us. If you feel you received value from the show, we would appreciate a five star review on your favorite podcasting stream service. If you think you know someone else who might value in listening, please share.
To reference this and other Loyalty Minute episodes, please visit Enjoy!
What to Expect After the Interview: