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Duke's Mayo Embraces Emotional Loyalty with Free Tattoo Giveaway



With a loyal customer base that spans generations, Duke’s Mayonnaise is launching “GenMayo,” where folks from all age groups can share their family’s Duke’s Mayo story to be selected for a free two-person tattoo giveaway. Friends and family can submit their generational Duke's story on the Duke's website to be considered.   

Duke’s Mayo wants to hear fans' stories about their love of the zesty, classic mayo. Duke's will select a handful of the most compelling stories that describe the generational connection and passion for the iconic mayo. The winners will have a consultation in advance to create a custom tattoo design that is unique to the pair and their love story with Duke's. 

"If your fam is a Duke's fam, this one's for you. We're looking for meaningful Duke's stories about traditions that people share with a loved one from another generation," said Rebecca Lupesco, Duke's Brand Manager of Mayohem. "We have so many fans who reach out to let us know how and why Duke's is a staple in their kitchens and lives. We're giving those fans a way to make their Duke's memories permanent while creating a fun bonding experience with loved ones." 

The deadline for submissions is Oct. 12, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. EST. The winners of GenMayo will receive their free Duke's tattoos in November, at the shop's Main Street location in Richmond, VA. For more information and to submit a story, visit www.dukesmayo.com/pages/genmayo. 


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