Rob Gallo As A Guest On Other Podcasts

Paul Maskill Interview With Rob Gallo – How to Create Raving Fans Through Loyalty Programs




If your business deals with customers, and you want to understand what makes them tick, then you owe it to yourself to glean some knowledge from someone who’s literally “been there, done that.”

Considered an expert in customer engagement and building consumer brand loyalty, Rob Gallo will share real-world stories of his 20+ years of successes and failures in the ultra-competitive casino business that translate into any industry which deals with customers as their life blood.

What We Dig Into

  • What exactly is customer loyalty.
  • The real cost you pay if you’re always focused on new customer while ignoring your existing customers.
  • Proven strategies to build customer relationships that last a lifetime.
  • How should we be thinking about customer engagement differently.

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