Price Chopper/Market 32 Launches SurPRIZE Digital Game
Price Chopper/Market 32 launched its Daily SurPRIZE, Frozen Food Frenzy digital game to celebrate National Frozen Food Month in March. The game follows the success of 2022’s Daily SurPRIZE Spin-the-Wheel contest.
Frozen Food Frenzy allows customers to win digital coupons, AdvantEdge Rewards points, magazine subscriptions, charity donations, and sweepstakes entries. The game builds on Price Chopper/Market 32’s recent improvements to its AdvantEdge Rewards program.
In-N-Out Catering Offers Fries
In-N-Out added fries to one of its catering trucks to pilot the addition of more food options to the service. The quick-service restaurant chain has offered catering since 1974, but the trucks only served burgers with chips.
The new truck is specifically reserved for children and youth events and will serve mini Double-Doubles, mini burgers, and mini fries. The truck is named after Esther Snyder, In-N-Out co-founder.
White Castle Launches New Campaign
White Castle will host its new Microcastle campaign in honor of National Frozen Food Month in March. The campaign is designed to show White Castle fans they can access the brand as long as they have a microwave.
The campaign follows the brand’s recent expansion of its retail manufacturing plant, allowing White Castle to keep up with growing demand for its retail products. The new Microcastle campaign helps raise awareness for the brand’s retail products, which the plant expansion made more available to consumers.
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